4Using the Segment pull down list box, select the segment to which you
want to move ports.
5Highlight the ports in the Port Segment list and click Add >> to add
them to the Segment Member Ports list.
6Click Apply to confirm your changes before choosing any other h ubs
or segments for which you want to move ports.
7Click OK.
In the unlikely event that you should lose your management connec tion
while moving ports, simply close this dialog box, perform a Reset View
and then re-enter this dialog box to cont inue moving ports.
If you have a Zoom View of the stack open, it is not automatically
updated with the information you conf igured using this panel. To
update the Zoom View, select Update Zoom from the View m enu.
Unit Select the hub in the stack you want to configure segments for.
Segment Specify the segment in the hub that you want to configure.
Port Segment Select the ports you want to add to the segment. The list
shows what segments the ports are currently members of.
Segment Member Ports Shows the ports that are members of the
Add >> Adds the highli ghted ports in the Port LA N list to the Segment
Member Ports list.
<< Undo Moves the highlighted ports in the Segment Member Ports list
from the segment, back to the Port Segment list, if these changes have
not been written to the stack.
Name Segment Opens a dialog box which is used to co nfigure the
name for the segment, specified in the Segment field. The name of the
segment appears on the hub’s segment name button, on the graphic al
representation (zoom view) of the stack, and is limited to 8 characters.
Apply Writes changes to the stack without closing the panel. Use Apply
if you want to configure another segment.
OK Writes changes to the stack and closes the panel.