Changing the Console Port Settings B-27
Changing the Console Port Settings
The PS Hub’s console port is already correctly configured by default,
for direct connection to a management stat ion (terminal). Only alter
these default settings if you are connecting a modem to the console
CAUTION: Do not change any of the se settings unless you fully
understand what you are doing. Incorrect settings may lock you out
from the hub’s console port when you select OK, and you will have to
contact your supplier for information on r ecovering management
Please note that:
If you want to change the settings but are unsure of the correct
settings to use, refer to the user documentation that accompanies
your terminal or modem. If you cha nge the settings by accident,
click Cancel to exit from the panel wi thout changing anything.
If you are managing a stack of hubs, this pan el shows and affects
the settings of the hub which is unit number1 in the stack (the
bottom hub, if the stack is correctly configured). To make a different
hub unit number 1, disconnect the stack in such a way that the
required hub becomes the bottom hub. How ever, be very careful
not to break the management connection.
If you are using Quick Config Mana ger over the console port, it is
best to have the Speed set to Auto Config.
While changing the speed, Quick Config Manager’s line speed may
become out-of-sync with that of the hub . To resolve this problem,
change the ‘SerialAttrib’ entry to
under the
section of the QUICKMGR.INI file.
Restart Quick Config Manager.