3Com WX4400 3CRWX440095A, WXR100 3CRWXR10095A, WX1200 3CRWX120695A manual To create a building

Models: WX1200 3CRWX120695A WX4400 3CRWX440095A WXR100 3CRWXR10095A

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To create a building

1In the Organizer panel, click the site name.

2Select Create Building in the Task List panel. The Create Building wizard prompts you for information about the new building.

3In the Building Name box, type the name of the building (1 to 30 alphanumeric characters, with no spaces or tabs), and click Next.

4In the Number Of Floors box, specify how many floors the building has.

When you specify the number of floors a building contains, 3WXM creates each floor using the default settings. You can edit the floors 3WXM creates or you can add new floors.

5In the Starting Floor Level box, specify the floor number of the first floor in the building. To start with a subterranean floor, you can specify 0 or a negative floor number.

6In the Skip Floor Levels box, specify floor numbers you want to skip. Skipping floors is useful when you want to model only certain floors in a building. To enter a list of floors, use commas to separate the floor numbers (example: 1,3,7). To enter a range, use a hyphen (example:


7Click Finish to close the wizard.

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3Com WX4400 3CRWX440095A, WXR100 3CRWXR10095A, WX1200 3CRWX120695A manual To create a building