3Com WX4400 3CRWX440095A manual RF Plan, Optimization, To improve the accuracy of the model

Models: WX1200 3CRWX120695A WX4400 3CRWX440095A WXR100 3CRWXR10095A

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Table 8 3WXM Reports (continued)





Client Errors

Provides data on client-related health in the


network over time; for example, if there is a


large number of association failures in some


area of the network.



Watch List Clients

Contains detailed information for the clients


on the Watch List.



Network Usage

Provides information about network resource


usage and client activity.



RF Summary

Provides information about overall network


health using selected radio statistics. It can be


used to compare RF environments across the


network and isolate potential problem areas.



Radio Details

Provides a detailed set of statistical


information for each radio in the selected





Rogue Details

Provides current and historical information


for a selected rogue.



Rogue Summary

Provides information for all visible rogues for


a selected time.



RF Plan

What is optimization?: Importing RF measurement data into an RF model


to improve the accuracy of the model.


Purpose of this section: Provides an overview of optimization methods.


Why is this important?: A network plan contains the configuration settings


that determine the performance of your wireless network. Optimization


of the RF model leads to a more successful RF plan. The ultimate result is


an accurate visualization of your RF coverage, better-defined statistics for


monitoring, and the ability to more accurately plan for and improve


network performance.

You can optimize your network based on user and network statistics gathered from:

„The monitoring data in 3WXM

„A site survey

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3Com WX4400 3CRWX440095A manual RF Plan, Optimization, To improve the accuracy of the model, Network performance