3Com WXR100 3CRWXR10095A, WX4400 3CRWX440095A, WX1200 3CRWX120695A Configure Guest Access Services

Models: WX1200 3CRWX120695A WX4400 3CRWX440095A WXR100 3CRWXR10095A

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Configure Guest Access Services


Step Summary The following list summarizes the fields selected or configuration items entered configure Guest access.

1Create a radio profile.

„From the Radio Profile wizard, enter RadioProfile1 as the Name of the radio profile.

„Click Finish.

2Configure users in the local database:

„From the Create Named User wizard, enter guest1 as username and guest1pass as the password.

„Configure the end-date authorization attribute to specify when the account expires.

„Allow the wizard to create a server group or select a configured server group.

„Click Finish.

3Create a Web-Portal service profile.

„From the Web-Portal Service Profile wizard, click Next and enter Web-Portal-Guestsas the Name of the service profile and Guests as the SSID.

„Click Next. Enter guest_vlan.

„Click Next. Click Next again. Select LOCAL and click Add.

„Click Next. Click Next again. Select RadioProfile1 and click Add. Select default and click Remove.

„Click Finish.

4Set up a VLAN on the WX switches.

„From the Create VLAN wizard, enter guest-vlanas the VLAN name.

„Click Next. Select the VLAN ports. Click Add to share them with other VLANs or Move to use them exclusively in this VLAN. If you click Add, then select Tag.

„Click Finish.

5Optional: Configure a Mobility Profile.

„From the Create Mobility Profile wizard, enter the Profile Name.

„Select Selected.

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3Com WXR100 3CRWXR10095A, WX4400 3CRWX440095A, WX1200 3CRWX120695A manual Configure Guest Access Services