3Com WX1200 3CRWX120695A manual Click Finish, Set Up a Vlan for VoWIP on WX Switches

Models: WX1200 3CRWX120695A WX4400 3CRWX440095A WXR100 3CRWXR10095A

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11Click Next. Type or select the name of the VLAN you want to place SVP users in. For this example, use voice-vlan.

Typing the VLAN name here does not actually configure the VLAN. To configure a VLAN, see “Set Up VLANs on WX Switches” on page 64.

12Click Create to add MAC users to the switch’s local database.

a In the User MAC Address box, type the MAC address for the user device, using colons (:) as delimiters. You must specify all 6 bytes of the MAC address.

b In the MAC User Group list, select the MAC user group that the user device belongs to, if the group is already configured.

c In the VLAN Name box, select or type the name of the VLAN that the user device belongs to (1 to 16 alphanumeric characters, with no spaces or tabs). The WX switch will authorize the user for that VLAN. For more information on VLANs, see “Viewing and Configuring VLANs” in the Wireless LAN Switch Manager Reference Manual.

d Click Next. In the attribute row you want to configure, click the Attribute Value column. (See the “Authorization Attributes” section in the “Configuring Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Parameters” chapter of the Wireless LAN Switch Manager Reference Manual.)

e Click Finish.

13Click Next. Select RadioProfileVoic in the Radio Profiles list.

14Click Finish.

Set Up a VLAN for VoWIP on WX Switches

This procedure is similar to the procedure in “Set Up VLANs on WX Switches” on page 64, except IGMP snooping is disabled on the VLAN.

To set up a VLAN for VoWIP on a WX switch

1Select Configuration on the toolbar.

2In the Organizer panel, expand the WX switch.

3Expand System, then select VLANs.

4In the Task List panel, select VLAN. The Create VLAN wizard is displayed.

5Enter a name such as vlan-voiceand use the VLAN ID suggested by the wizard.

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3Com WX1200 3CRWX120695A Click Finish, Set Up a Vlan for VoWIP on WX Switches, To set up a Vlan for VoWIP on a WX switch