3Com WXR100 3CRWXR10095A, WX4400 3CRWX440095A, WX1200 3CRWX120695A manual Create

Models: WX1200 3CRWX120695A WX4400 3CRWX440095A WXR100 3CRWXR10095A

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Also listed is a user named web-portal-ssid, where ssid is the Web-Portal SSID name. This user is automatically created. The switch uses the web-portal-ssidusername for users while they are in the portal and are being authenticated. After a user is authenticated, the username of the session changes to the user’s login name.

If you need to add users, you can do so from within the wizard by clicking


12Click Next. Select RadioProfile1 in the Available Radio Profiles list and click Add. Select the default radio profile and click Remove.

13Click Finish.

The new service profile appears in the Content panel.

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3Com WXR100 3CRWXR10095A, WX4400 3CRWX440095A, WX1200 3CRWX120695A manual Create