Upgrading the BIOS
The BIOS upgrade utility allows you to upgrade the BIOS in flash memory. The code and data in the upgrade file include the following:
•Onboard system BIOS, including the recovery code, latest version of the Setup utility, and strings.
•Onboard video BIOS, and other option ROMs for devices embedded on the mainboard.
•OEM logo
To record the current BIOS settings:
Select the Save as User Default Values option of the Setup Exit menu to save the current configuration settings. After upgrading the BIOS, you have the option to reload these settings without having to manually enter them again by selecting the Restore User Default Values option.
To obtain the BIOS upgrade utility:
Download the BIOS image file to a temporary folder on your hard drive or to a USB flash device.
Important: Review the instructions and release notes that are provided in the readme file distributed with the BIOS upgrade utility before attempting a BIOS upgrade. The release notes contain critical information regarding jumper settings, specific fixes, or other information to complete the upgrade.