&F | Load Factory Settings |
This command loads the configuration stored and programmed at the factory. This operation replaces all of the command options and the
&F: Recall factory setting as active configuration. (default)
&Gn | V.22bis Guard Tone Control |
This command determines which guard tone, if any, to transmit while transmitting in the high band (answer mode). This command is only used in V.22 and V.22bis mode.
&G0: Guard tone disabled (default).
&G1: Sets guard tone to 550 Hz.
&G2: Sets guard tone to 1800 Hz.
&Kn | Serial Port Flow Control Selection |
&K0: Disable flow control.
&K3: Enable RTS/CTS flow control (default).
&K4: Enable XON/XOFF flow control.
&Mn | Asynchronous Communications Mode |
&M0: Modem only supports asynchronous mode.(default)
&Pn | Pulse Dial |
This Command sets
&P0 39%/61% make/break ratio, 10PPS
&PI 33%/67% make/break ratio, 10PPS (default)
&Qn | Asynchronous Communications Mode |
&Q0: Modem only supports asynchronous mode. | |
&Sn | Data Set Ready (DSR) Option |
This command selects DSR action.
&S0: DSR always ON (default).