Appendix A: AT Command Set
AT Commands
AT commands are issued to the modem to control the modem’s operation and software configuration. AT commands can only be entered while the modem is in command mode. The format for entering AT commands is:
where X is the AT command, and n is the specific value for that command.
PRESS: Enter
Any command issued is acknowledged with a response in text format known as result codes. For multiple AT commands in the same command line, the com- mands are executed in the order received from the DTE. Should execution of a command result in an error, or a character not be recognized as a valid command, execution is terminated, the remainder of the command line is ignored, and the ERROR result code is issued. Otherwise, if all commands execute correctly, only the result code associated with the last command shall be issued; result codes for preceding commands are suppressed.
In the following listing, commands and command values accepted by the modem are shown; any entries other than those shown cause the ERROR result code. AT Commands may be entered in upper or lower case letters but you should not mix upper case and lower case letters within the same command line.
+++AT<CR> | Escape sequence |
The escape sequence allows the modem to exit data mode and enter
To display the value of an S-register: