PostscriptSee Page description language.
Precharger wireA fine wire in the printer’s process cartridge that imparts an electrical charge to the photoconductive drum. The charge makes the drum sensitive to light.
Printable areaThe area of the physical page in which the printer is able to print. Page printers have a nonprint margin, typically about .2 inch (5 mm) wide, at each edge of the paper. The printable area is the space within these margins. See also Margin.
→←− Nonprint margins
A set of instructions in application software that translates formatting choices into printer commands. When installing the application, the user identifies the type of printer being used so the application knows which printer driver to use.
Print unitA maintenance package consisting of the photoconductive drum, developing unit, toner, and drum cleaner.
ResetClears the print buffer and places the printer online. Unlike initialization, reset leaves the currently selected settings in effect. That is, reset does not restore the
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