Menu Items
Parallel menu |
Acknowledge | The timing of the ACK signal against the | |
| BUSY signal | |
NPAP mode | Whether the NPAP commands are used. When | |
| using MarkVision, the NPAP mode must be | |
| Auto or On. | |
Serial menu |
Baud rate | Data transfer speed on the serial interface | |
Format | Data format for the serial interface. The first | |
| digit indicates the number of data bits. Then | |
| comes the parity and the last digit indicates the | |
| number of stop bits. | |
Flow control | Interface protocol | |
Network menu |
NPAP mode | Whether the NPAP commands are used. When | |
| using MarkVision, the NPAP mode must be | |
| Auto or On. | |
BootP | Whether the TCP/IP protocol that enables a | |
| workstation to find its IP address is enabled or | |
| disabled for the network adapter | |
IP address | A unique address of the printer in the TCP/IP | |
| network environment | |
IP netmask | Bit mask that logically subdivides the network, | |
| specifying a local network portion of the IP | |
| address |
IP gateway | A unique address of the equipment for the | |
| gateway to outside of the enclosed environment | |
Test menu |
PCL config page | Print a | |
PCL font list | Print a list of fonts available in PCL emulation | |
FPS config page | Print a | |
FPS font list | Print a list of fonts available in FPS emulation | |
Clear warning |
<Clear warning> print unit | Clearing the print unit counter |
User’s Manual |