Model 8904A | Service |
4.Key in the serial suffix which is printed on the
I | Press SHIFT f 2 t o install S/N | = 56789. | I |
If S/N is wrong use f 3 Reenter | f4 Exit. |
The serial suffixthat you keyed in should appear at the end of the top line. (In the example shown it is 56789.)
If a typing error occurs as the serial suffix is being entered, the backspace (*=)key can be used to back up to the digit in error.
5.If the serial suffix is correct, press SHIFT f2.If the serial suffix is incorrect, press f3 and key in the correct number.
This is your last opportunity to check the serial suffix before it is entered permanently into the instrument. It cannot be changed once it has been entered.
The display should now read something like the following. (The example shows serial suffix 56789.)
I ***** Serial Number Installation *****
Serial Number S/N = 56789 installed.
After the 10 second timeout the display will read
I * HP 8904A Main Selection Level * I f l Channel Confin.
6.Press SHIFT PRESET. Confirm that the serial suffix has been invoked. The display will look something like the following. (The example shows serial suffix 56789.)
HP 8904A Opts 02 | I |
IFirmware Revision 18387A Serial No 56789 |
7.If the instrument has Options 001 and/or 003, these options can be restored after restoring the serial number. Refer to the procedure following this one.
Troubleshooting (Serial Numbers)