/* Set to get voltage from List */


ibwrt(sloto, cmd, strten(cmd));





if (ibsta & ERR)










strcpy(vlist, "LIST:VOLT “);

/* Start with the command header for the voltage List. */


for (i = 1; i < NUM_PTS; i++) {



The Loop calculates the string


sprintf(vpoint, “ %f, “, vstart+(((vstop - vstart) / NUM_PTS) * i));


equivalents of the voltage List


strcat(vlist, vpoint);



points and concatenates them for





only the first 19 because there





should not be comma after the


sprintf(vpoint , “%f” , vstop);



last point. Do the last point


strcat(vlist, vpoint);



separately with no comma.


ibwrt(slot0, vlist, strlen(vlist));


Download voltage List points */


if (ibsta & ERR)








sprintf(cmd_buff, "LIST:DWELL %f”, dwell);


Download 1 dwell time. Use number to */

ibwrt(slot0, cmd_buff, strlen(cmd_buff));


string conversion to send the real


if (ibsta & ERR)


number over the bus as part of the




command string.




Dwelt-paced List */


ibwrt(slot0, cmd, strlen(cmd));




if (ibsta & ERR)








cmd = "INITIATE";


Enable trigger to start List */


ibwrt(slot0, cmd, strlen(cmd));




if (ibsta & ERR)








/* Before triggering the module, determine if it is ready by checking for 'Waiting for Trigger' (bit 5 of the Operation Status Register).

You could eliminate this step by simply inserting a pause in the program. However, by checking the instrument status, you can avoid timing problems. Also, any other operations that take time will give the module a chance to complete processing. */













ibwrt(slot0, cmd, strlen(cmd));






if (ibsta & ERR)












ibrd(slot0, condition_data, SMALL_STRING);


Allow to read SMALL_STRING bytes, which is more */


if (ibsta & ERR)


than enough. Note that first byte will be a + sign,





so you must convert the string to float, then to int, */




to do an integer bit test.



} while (((int)(atof(condition_data)) && WTG) == 0);

/ * Loop until WTG = bit 5 (value 32) is true.


/* Send trigger command to start List and generate the voltage ramp. */




This is an immediate trigger, which is always


ibwrt(slot0, cmd, strlen(cmd));


active. Therefore, it does not need to be


if (ibsta & ERR)


selected as a trigger source.








108 Application Programs

Page 107
Image 107
Agilent Technologies 66lxxA manual Strcatvlist, vpoint