Akai MPC manual Filter & Envelopes Section, Filter Envelope Section, AMP Envelope Section

Models: MPC

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Select the pad you wish to filter by hitting it on your MPC hardware or by selecting it in Main Mode of the MPC software.

XTo edit the FILTER, FILTER ENVELOPE & AMP ENVELOPE parameters press the F4 button (Flt Env) on your MPC hardware. Use the MPC hardware Q-Link knobs for direct access of all 16 parameters.

The Filter Type pop-up menu lets you choose a filter type. A complete list of all filter types can be found in the Appendix of this manual.

CUTOFF controls the cutoff frequency for the chosen filter types, the center frequency for the band-pass and band-stop filter types.

RESO controls the resonance/emphasis of the frequencies around the cutoff point. Use lower values in the range of 0-80to give more brilliance to the sound. At higher values than 80, the sound will result

in a strong audible boost around the cutoff frequency.

ENV determines the amount of influence the filter envelope has on the cutoff frequency. Higher settings will increase the modulation of the Filter by the envelope; lower settings will result in only subtle changes of the Filter Cutoff over time. To give a sound a more distinctive attack, you may try to increase the envelope amount value and set low ATK and DECAY values as well as a medium-to-low SUST value of the Filter Envelope. This setting will start a sound with the Filter opened and close it shortly afterward, giving it a bright start followed by a darker sustain. String sounds, on the other hand, can sound much more "alive" with low ENV settings and a high ATK value of the Filter Envelope, resulting in a slight fade-in of the higher frequencies.

The MODULATION SOURCES set the amount for different modulation. The following modulation sources are available:

V>START (for Drum Programs only) sets the amount of a pad or key velocity to modulate the sample startpoint. KBD>FLT (for Keygroup Programs only) sets the amount of aftertouch data from a pad or a MIDI-keyboard to modulate the cutoff frequency.

V>ATK (Velocity>Attack) sets the amount of pad or key velocity to modulate the Attack phase for the Amp envelope.

V>ENV (Velocity>Envelope) enables velocity information to control the the amount of the filter envelope’s effect on the cutoff frequency.

V>FLT (Velocity>Filter) finally uses the velocity of a pad or key to modulate the cutoff frequency directly.


This Envelope is used to control the filter frequency. The four knobs control the Envelope shape or time-variant modulation output. The influence of the Envelope on the filter frequency can be adjusted with the ENV parameter.


This Envelope is used to control level change over time. The four knobs control the Envelope shape or time-variant modulation of a sound’s level.


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Akai MPC manual Filter & Envelopes Section, Filter Envelope Section, AMP Envelope Section