Akai MPC manual Sample Edit Mode, Sample Edit window

Models: MPC

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In Sample Edit Mode, you can edit samples using various sample editing functions.

XTo enter Sample Edit Mode, press the SAMPLE EDIT button on your MPC hardware. Use the data dial or the -/+ buttons to select a sample for editing. The selected sample is displayed at the top of your MPC display.

In the MPC software, click on the Sample Edit tab in the Upper section. To select a sample for editing, click on the EDIT SAMPLE pop-up menu in the left section below the waveform display and select the desired sample from the Project.

Alternatively, you can simply click and drag a sample from the PROJECT INFORMATION section onto the Waveform display. You can also right-click a sample in the PROJECT INFORMATION section and choose the Edit option. You can select a sample this way in any mode that shows the PROJECT INFORMATION section. When selecting a sample for editing, the mode will change automatically to Sample Edit mode.

The Sample Edit window is divided in two parts. The Waveform is displayed in the top section, the lower section shows the editing controls.

Depending on the loaded sample, the displayed waveform will look different.

The Sample Edit window


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Akai MPC manual Sample Edit Mode, Sample Edit window