Akai manual Program Mixer Mode, Program Mixer section in the display of the MPC hardware

Models: MPC

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In Program Mixer Mode, you can set the levels, stereo panning and effects for of each individual pad of a program. If a virtual instrument (PlugIn) is selected, this mode will look different.

XTo enter Program Mixer Mode, press the PROG MIX button on your MPC hardware.

In the MPC software, click on the Program Mixer tab in the Upper section.

ÂThe Program Mixer offers 128 track channels when using a DRUM program (each for every pad). If a KEYGROUP program is selected or MIDI or PlugIn is choosen for the instrument, the Program Mixer offers one channel only.

The Program Mixer works like a regular audio mixer and offers various settings per channel. All channels’ functionality is identical. If a sample has been assigned to a pad, its name is displayed right below the channel fader.

The Program Mixer section in the display of the MPC hardware

XTo set the routing for a desired channel, click on the F1 button (Route) and use the cursor buttons to select a desired pad. Use the data dial or -/+ buttons to select the desired output. With the PAD BANK buttons you can also select different pad banks to select different sets of 16 channels.

In the MPC software, click on ROUTE tab of the desired channel first, then on the pop-up menu at the bottom the ROUTE tab. Select the desired output (e.g. Out 3,4) to route the audio signal directly to this output. Keep in mind that to be able to use this function, you will need an audio interface that is equipped with more than two outputs.

ÂWhen working with the MPC Renaissance, Out 1,2 are routed to the STEREO OUT jacks. Out 3,4 are routed to the ASSIGNABLE MIX OUT jacks.

XTo set the level for a desired channel, click on the F2 button (Level) and use the corresponding Q-Link dial for editing. With the PAD BANK buttons you can also select different pad banks to select different sets of 16 channels.


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Akai manual Program Mixer Mode, Program Mixer section in the display of the MPC hardware