After all guards are adjusted, it is necessary to see that the knife clips are bent down to within 1/ 64" of the section. The easiest way to check this is to hold the knife down on the ledger plate and use a feeler gauge or the cover of a paper match book to measure the clearance. Do not attempt to hold the tightly against the ledger plate with the clips. Knock the clips down with a hammer. A light blow with hammer is all that is required. If the clips drag on the knife, pry them up. Drag will bind the knife and wear the clip very rapidly (See Figure 7 & 8).
Knife Repair:
ALWAYS USE A SHARP KNIFE. A dull knife cuts poorly, may plug and doesn't do a clean job. Keep the knife straight with the sections firmly riveted to the knife back. When sharpening knife, be careful to restore the original shear angle and bevel of 23 °. Properly and improperly ground knife sec- tions are shown (See Figure 9). A knife section that has been ground several times may have the proper angle and bevel and still be unserviceable because the hard cutting edge has been ground away and the section is to short to cut everything encountered.
Knife Replacement:
Replace worn or broken knife sections. Alamo Industrial knife sections are heavy duty sec- tions made of special steel and will stay sharp for many more hours than conventional sections.
Clips |
Figure 7 |
Match Book Cover
Figure 8 | Clips |
New Sections - proper bevel and angle for good work.
Figure 9
Improperlygroundsec- tions - narrow bevel and wrong angle which changes the angle of shear.
properly ground sec- tions even after re- peated griding, proper bevel and angle are retained.
Sections ground off center, destroying the register of blade in guard.
Switch Blade
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc. | Section 7 - 4 |