Chapter 5: Oscillators and Filters
1. FREQUENCY The frequency of OSC 1 or OSC 2.
2. SQR WAVE LEVEL The output level of the selected VCO’s
square wave.
3. PULSE WIDTH The pulse width of the selected VCO’s
square wave.
4. OSC2 -> PWM (Oscillator 1 only) The output of OSC 2 feeding into the
pulse width modulation of OSC 1 .
5. OSC2 -> LIN FM (Oscillator 1 only) The output of OSC 2 feeding into the
linear frequency modulation of OSC 1 .
6. OSC2 -> EXP FM (Oscillator 1 only) The output of OSC 2 feeding into the
exponential frequency modulation of
OSC 1 .
7. EXT -> PWIDTH The output of NZEXT (white, pink, red, or
OSC 1) feeding into the pulse width of the
selected VCO.
8. EXT -> LINFM (Oscillator 1 only) The output of NZEXT (white, pink, red, or
OSC 1) feeding into the linear frequency
modulation of the selected VCO.
9. EXT -> EXPFM The output of NZEXT (white, pink, red, or
OSC 1) feeding into the exponential
frequency modulation of the selected
PWMOD/PWM ParametersBoth VCOs provide for PWM or Pulse Width Modulation, shown as PWMOD on the
display. This means that the width setting of the pulse wave set by the PULSE WIDTH
knob can be varied by a modulation source. This mod has been popular for years and
has been used to re-create many well-known sounds ranging from lush string
ensembles to thick synth pads.
When the PWM button is pressed on either VCO, the display shows the pulse width
modulation parameters for that VCO. A VCO’s pulse width is most often modulated
by an LFO, but it can easily be modulated by an envelope, the keyboard (velocity,
aftertouch or key track), the pitch bend and modulation wheels, pedals and ribbon
controller, just to name a few of the 79 possible sources in the A6. See Appendix B for
a complete list.