Appendix A: Glossary
All Notes Off a command that is transmitted to all devices in a MIDI system
that prevents notes from becoming stuck on.
Amplitude the level of a signal, its “intensity” (or lack of it) or the “signal
Channel one of sixteen separate “paths” that Voice and Mode data can
travel on.
Channel Messages data that communicates Voice and Mode messages on a specific,
user-selected Channel.
Controllers commands that are used for musical expression (volume,
sustain, vibrato, etc.) or remote control of other devices in the
MIDI system (reverb depth, bank select, etc.).
Default a parameter’s pre-assigned value or factory setting.
Edit, Editing changes made to a parameter in a Program or Mix, or to a Global
function by adjusting its numeric value, turning it on or off and
so forth.
Exponential a function that produces a decelerated rate of change (it “slows
down”) as it approaches its destination value.
Frequency rate or speed, usually expressed in “cycles-per-second” which
indicates how many times a wave or pattern is repeated in one
second. Cycles-per-second is most often referred to as “Hertz” –
abbreviated “Hz”.
Gate similar to a trigger, a gate not only performs a “go” instruction
but also carries with it a duration characteristic. Using the
keyboard as an example, a gate signal is active for the time that
a key is held down; a trigger is generated only at the instant the
key is first played. Translating our definition of gate to MIDI, the
duration of a gate is the time that elapses between the Note On
and the Note Off commands. See also “Trigger”.
Global any function that affects the A6 no matter what play mode it’s in:
global functions affect all Programs and Mixes. You can think of
global functions as “master” functions.
LED Light Emitting Diode: the small panel lights on the A6’s front
panel. When an LED next to a knob or button is on, this indicates
that the function is active.
Linear a function that produces an even rate of change that, when
depicted by a graph, resembles a straight line.
Local any function that is physically present on the A6.
Logarithmic a function that produces an accelerated rate of change (it “speeds
up”) as it approaches its destination value.
MIDI “Musical Instrument Digital Interface”; refers to the system of
connecting microprocessor-controlled instruments and devices
for sharing information.
MIDI IN the port on a device that receives MIDI data