Chapter 2: Playing the A6
COPY ProcedureTo copy an item, press STORE then press soft button 3. Use soft pot knob 1 to select
the type of item to copy (Program Bank, Program Digital FX settings, etc.) Select the
source using soft knob 2. Select the destination using soft pot 7. Press STORE twice to
execute the copy.
INIT ProcedureYou can initialize, or reset, all Programs in the User Bank to the - A6 Default
Program -, a program that returns all program settings to their default values
resulting in a basic, rather “plain” sounding Program. By the same token, you can
reset all Mixes to their default values as well.
To accomplish this, press STORE then press soft button 4. To initialize all Programs,
turn soft knob 1; to initialize all Mixes, turn soft knob 2. In either case, the display
will prompt you to press STORE again to complete the reset. To abort the
initialization, press either the PROGRAM or the MIX button.
Be careful: initialization cannot be reversed. There is no “Undo” like there is on
personal computers.
Storing Programs and Mixes using the SYSEX PageTo store Programs and Mixes to an external MIDI device such as a sequencer or MIDI
data storage device, use a System Exclusive dump. You can set the kind of SysEx
dump you want to send by pressing Soft Button 5, the SYSEX page of Store mode.
This page is also where you set how SysEx messages will be received. For details on
using System Exclusive messages for storing to an external MIDI device, see Chapter
12: MIDI.
CARD PageYou can expand the Program/Mix memory of your Andromeda by plugging in PC
Card Type 1 SRAM cards, available from your Alesis dealer. The CARD page will
show you the size and type of card currently in the memory slot on the rear panel.
The only other function of the page is INIT, used primarily when a card is brand
new and needs to be initialized to the A6's card format, but also to erase all Programs
or Mixes on a card.
1. Insert a PCMCIA Type 1 SRAM memory card (from 256k to 2MB in size) into the
card slot on the back of the unit.
2. Press STORE. Press Soft Button 6, CARD.
3. Turn Soft Knob 1 (INIT) all the way around until "HIT STORE TO INIT RAM
CARD" shows in the display.
4. Press STORE. Follow the prompts for whether you want the card to store only
Programs, Mixes, or both. (These may not be available if the card is less than
512k in size.)