Chapter 10: Using Effects
TRIG This selects which input to monitor to begin triggering. The choices are
OFF, Left, Right, or L&R.
ATTACK This parameter sets the level where the flange will “trigger” or reset.
When the audio goes above this level, the flanger will begin its sweep.
RELEAS This is the level where the flanger stops listening to the input. When the
flanger is triggered, it won’t trigger again until the input signal falls
below the Release level then goes above the Attack level.
Width (Quad Chorus only)
The Width parameter adjusts the stereo width of the Quad Chorus output. A setting
of 99% is full stereo, 0% is mono, and -99% is reverse stereo (The left input feeding
voice 1 will be panned right).
Level (2LEVEL and 3LEVEL, Quad Chorus only)
The level of Voices 2 and 3. 1 and 4 are always set to 100%.
Motor, Speed, High Rotor Level (Lezlie only)
These three parameters control the sound of the rotary speaker simulation. Motor
turns the spinning effect on or off, but does not bypass the effect - it will still be
phased and filtered with the rotor on, frozen in its pan position. Speed toggles
between Fast and Slow. On true rotary speakers, an organ player often switches
between these speeds during a performance. High Rotor Level affects the tone of the
effect. A rotary speaker usually has two segments: a spinning horn for high
frequencies and a woofer firing into a spinning “scoop” for low frequencies. This
parameter simulates moving a microphone closer to the high rotor.