Chapter 6: Modulation and Envelopes
Envelope Modes
The envelope MODE parameter on the TRIG page determines how an envelope is
triggered (started) and how it progresses through its stages under various
circumstances. There are seven envelope modes: Normal 1, Normal 2, Freerun,
Freerun-Sustain, Sustain-Release 1, Mod-Trigger, Mod-Trig/Gate.
Here are some terms used in the following descriptions of the envelope modes. The
descriptions get a little technical in breaking down the modes into their basic parts,
but this will be valuable in understanding the intricate functions of the envelopes.
Note On A note is played from the A6’s keyboard, Arpeggiator, or
Sequencer, or a received MIDI Note. This term also
includes the amount of time (the “duration”) from the
moment a note is played – a Note On event – until the key
is let go – the Note Off event.
The manual will sometimes refer to a Note On as a “key
being played” or words to that effect. For simplicity, we’ll
use this phrase to mean any note played, whether it comes
from the keyboard, the Sequencer or Arpeggiator, or a
received MIDI Note.
Note Off The corresponding Note Off event for a previous Note On.
Like the Note On term, the manual will sometimes refer to
a Note Off as a “key being let go” or words to that effect.
We’ll use this phrase to mean any note off message,
whether it comes from the keyboard, the Sequencer or
Arpeggiator, or a received MIDI Note.
Sustain Pedal On the SUSPDL envelope parameter is ON (DYN parameter
page) and the actual sustain pedal is depressed.
Sustain Pedal Off the SUSPDL envelope parameter is OFF or the actual
sustain pedal is not depressed or has been released.
Modulation Source On when using the MOD-TRIG or MOD-TRIG/GATE modes, this
phrase indicates any amount of time (duration) from the
Key Note On event to the Key Note Off event .
The following pages detail the behavior of the six envelope modes. Keep in mind that
during any stage of an envelope, the envelope may also be affected by any
modulation, re-triggering, looping, etc.