Chapter 8: Pre Filter, Post Filter and Voice Mixes
The VOICE MIX module contains the final mixing stages of the A6. The mixed output of
this module feeds the instrument’s MASTER VOLUME knob on the left of the instrument
that controls the final output of the A6.
VOICE MIX is where the relative levels and panning – the placement of voices
left-to-right in the stereo image – are set as part of a Program or Mix. You
have a LEVEL knob and a PAN knob for the back panel outputs: MAIN (LEFT
and RIGHT stereo pair), and alternatively an AUX 1-2 pair. The important
concept to understand here is that you are panning the final outputs of the
A6’s 16 voices.
MAIN and AUX outputs
The LEVEL knob controls the level of the A6’s stereo mix sent to either the
MAIN RIGHT and LEFT (via the Master Volume control) or AUX back panel
jacks. An OUTPUT switch toggles the output of the current Program or Mix
Channel between the MAIN and AUX jacks. The most important difference
between the Main and Aux jacks is that the EFFECTS outputs are only
routed to the MAIN outputs, and the headphones only monitor the MAIN
outputs. Aux jacks can serve as a separate "dry" stereo output in case you
need them. Examples include a send to a stereo monitor mix, a stereo send
to an external effects device (EQ, compressor and so forth) or outputs to
additional tape tracks, just to name a few.
Note that you can pan the voices hard left or hard right in MAIN, AUX or OFF
and use the corresponding jack for a mono signal output.
These settings are programmable for each Program and Mix. Just
remember that the MASTER VOLUME control (on the far left side of the front
panel) affects only the Main Output, and it is NOT programmable.
Last, the MOD button is used to route a mod source to modulate the PAN
of the Main and Aux outputs. Any of the A6’s 79 modulation sources can
be assigned.
Setting Levels in Mix Mode
The ability to set different output assignments, pans, and levels is most useful when
the Andromeda is in Mix Mode. For example, you can send Mix Channels with bass
programs to the AUX outputs, and layer different Mix Channels’ outputs in stereo for
dramatic effects.
The settings for each Mix Channel’s VOICE MIX can be set either directly on the Voice
Mix controls, or on the PROG page in Mix Edit mode using the soft knobs. Level, Pan,
and Main/Aux selections made on either display will be shown automatically on the
To set the Voice Mix parameters for different Mix Channels, simply use the MIX
CHANNEL SELECT 1/9-8/16 buttons to select the channels you want.
The VOICE OUTPUT button at the top of the module turns the feed to the individual
VOICE OUTPUT jacks on and off. It has no effect on the feed to the Main or Aux
outputs. Although it may not be obvious from the display, the VOICE OUTPUT jacks
are affected by the LEVEL knob, though not by the PAN, since they are monophonic.
They are the direct outputs of each of the sixteen hardware voices.