Chapter 5: Oscillators and Filters
7. The sine wave outputs of both OSC 1 and OSC 2, plus the output of the RING
MOD are routed directly to the POST FILTER MIX whose levels are controlled by
the PRE FILTER knob. This signal path permits the mixing of these three signals
into the A6’s audio path without filtering.
This direct signal flow from the sound generators, bypassing the filters provides
three distinct advantages when editing Programs. First, since sine waves have no
harmonics, filtering them has no effect on their tone--low FREQ settings only reduce
their amplitude. Making it possible to let the sine waves bypass the filters avoids this
Second, the sine waves available at this point in the mix are in addition to the
waveforms selected in OSC 1 and OSC 2. Mixing in unfiltered sine waves – effectively
adding in unfiltered fundamental waveforms – with whatever waves are currently
being output by the VCOs results in a thicker bottom end that would otherwise be
impossible to achieve.
Third, there are also times when the output of the RING MOD sounds best when it is
unfiltered. This direct audio path permits mixing an unfiltered signal from the Ring
Modulator in with its filtered signal. The resulting blend of filtered and unfiltered
RING MOD signals is a noticeably richer sound.
For envelope shaping of the loudness of these PRE FILTER signals, press the MOD
button and assign an envelope at this point in the mix.