Chapter 1: Getting Started
And finally, adjust the level using the MASTER VOLUME on the left side of the control
panel. The VOICE MIX LEVEL on the right side is a programmable control—it may seem
to do the same thing, but avoid using it for now.
The MASTER VOLUME knob is a
global (affects the A6 in all
modes) volume control that
determines the final output
level of the unit’s MAIN LEFT and
RIGHT stereo outs, the
HEADPHONE output and the two
AUX OUTs. It does not affect the
sixteen inidividual VOICE
OUTPUTS. To use an audio term,
MASTER VOLUME is post (comes
after) the PRE and POST FILTER
mixes and the VOICE MIX. This
means that any relative level
settings you make within the
Programs and Mixes are preserved.
You operate this control by simply turning it: fully counter-clockwise shuts the audio
outputs off, fully clockwise is maximum.
The next chapter covers the basics of playing the A6: more detail about how to select
Programs and Mixes, understanding the various keyboard modes including setting
up splits and layers and using portamento, using the performance wheels and the
ribbon controller, using pedals and footswitches, and understanding the CLOCK
section in using the sequencer and arpeggiator.
Chapter 2 will also devote much attention to the display, as it is the central focus of
the A6 when operating its controls.