Chapter 10: Using Effects
Now we’re ready to go back to the PARAM1 page, parameters 2 and 3. Bass Boost can
be useful for adding a little warmth to a hall program. By setting the frequency to
237Hz and the Level to 100, we can add a touch of warmth to our hall program.
15. Press soft button 2 (PARAM1) to return to that page.
16. Using the soft knobs, set BOOST to 100 and BASSF to 0.237.
ADJUST THE MIXNow, you can go back to the CONFIG page and adjust the SEND and OUTPUT levels
for whatever balance of “wet and dry” you want.
Setting Input LevelsFor quietest operation, it’s best in most cases to leave the input level high, and if you
want less reverb, to turn the output level down. The input level should be high
enough to be well above the noise floor to get the best dynamic range, but not so
high that it clips the digital effects engine itself. If you see the word CLIP appear in
the lower right side of an effects page, lower the SEND level on the CONFIG page.
Setting Output LevelsOn the other hand, it is possible to set the Output so high that it can clip the final
summing amps of the Andromeda. If this happens, you’ll hear it. Turn off the
EFFECTS ON/OFF switch to make sure it’s the effect, and not something in the program.
If it’s the effect, restructure your gain. Sometimes this means going all the way back
to the levels of the PRE FILTER MIX.
To “SOLO” the EffectsTo hear the reverb and only the reverb while you’re listening to the Main Outputs,
simply press the OUTPUT switch on the far right of the top panel to remove the
program audio from the Main Output. The effects will still be feeding the output,
without any “dry” signal mixed in.