Chapter 11: Mix Mode
COMMON MIX SETTINGS FOR MIDI SEQUENCERSThe easiest way to use the A6 with a MIDI sequencer is to use one of the pre-
programmed Mixes in the Preset or User banks. See the Program/Mix chart for the
Mix set up for multitimbral use that’s appropriate for your situation.
But if you want to start from scratch or edit an existing Mix, here are the steps:
1. Press the MIX button.
2. Select a Mix to start with using the PROGRAM GROUP/NUMBER, and BANK keys.
Select a Mix Channel
3. Select Mix Channel 1 by pressing the black MIX SELECT 1/9 key.
Make sure the right side of the display window has a box that says MIX CHAN 1. If it
says MIX CHN 9, press the SHIFT key and press MIX SELECT 1/9 again.
4. If the green LED above the MIX SELECT key isn’t flashing, press it again to enable
the channel.
A small box in the display should say ON and an arrow appear pointing to the current
Mix Channel. The flashing LED above the switch means the Mix Channel is currently
selected for editing and is ON.
Set the Keyboard parameters
5. Press soft button 5 (KBD).
6. If you want to play this mix channel from the keyboard*, make sure that ENABLE
is set to ON using soft knob 4. Set the high and low ranges using soft knobs 1
and 2.
Set the MIDI parameters
7. Press soft button 6 (PROG).
8. Set the MIDI channel for this Mix Channel by turning soft knob 6 (MIDICH).
9. Press soft button 7 (CNTL). If the first parameter isn’t MID IN , press it again. Set
MID IN to ON using soft knob 1.
10. If you’re going to be using this Mix Channel to send note messages to the
sequencer*, set MIDOUT (soft knob 2) to ON.
* In most MIDI sequencer applications, you’ll want to send only one MIDI
channel from the keyboard, and the sequencer will be set to “echo” the MIDI
notes back to the synthesizers. The sequencer will also be able to re-route a
MIDI channel as you’re recording. (For example, most people send only MIDI
Channel 1 messages from their keyboard, and allow the computer to record the
data onto other MIDI channels.) The Andromeda’s GLOBAL mode can also affect
how MIDI is handled; either generating MIDI messages without making a
sound until a MIDI message is “echoed” back (local mode) or if it will not
generate MIDI messages at all, regardless of the Mix settings. See pages 49 and
50, Using Global Mode/KEYBD Page Parameters.
Select a Program for the Mix Channel
11. When you’re on Mix Mode’s PROG page, the PROGRAM GROUP/NUMBER, and BANK
keys may be used to change programs. You can also select a different Program
by pressing soft button 2, DIR (for “Directory”) and scrolling through it. But be
sure the currently-selected page is not MIX, or you will lose all your edits!