Chapter 10: Using Effects
Bass Boost (Halls only)
The Hall reverb type allows you to add bass to the input signal before processing.
This can make the halls sound “warmer”, or even add rumble at extreme settings.
The BASSF parameter selects the highest frequency which will be boosted, and the
BOOST parameter sets the amount of boost, up to 6 dB.
Pre-delay (PDTIME)
All the reverb effects have pre-delay parameters. Pre-delay slightly delays the reverb
itself up to 500 ms, so that the dry signal more easily stands out from the reverb. A
bit of pre-delay can make certain instruments sound bigger. It is also useful when
simulating big spaces, where the echoes may take a moment to build up. You can
also use predelay in conjunction with early reflections to dictate various room
Pre-delay Mix (PDMIX)
This allows you to balance the amount of Pre-delay to Direct Signal as a percentage
of each. This gives you the ability to hear a bit of the Reverb before the Pre-Delayed
Reverb sounds, making the delay less apparent.
Density (DENS)
Density controls how smooth the reverb decay and early reflections sound. When set
for very low values, the decay is “bumpier” and simulates a large room with lots of
distinct echoes. If the density is set high, the reverb will be very smooth, like a
chamber or tiled room. Try using lower density settings on sustained sounds, and
higher density for percussive sounds.