Chapter 9: The A6 Modulation Matrix
The Mod Sources list in Appendix B near the end of the manual carries a description
of each source, although they’re fairly self-explanatory. But there are three categories
that you should consider:
• Sources with a VOX prefix are per Voice, and are per-note functions.
• Sources with a PGM prefix, later in the list, are per Program, or are ‘global’ and
will affect all voices at once in the same way.
• At the end of the list are Clock and Gate Sources. The clocks should be self-
explanatory in name; they can be used to fire or reset modules which accomodate
such (Envelopes, Seq/Arp, S/H, LFOs, etc.) The Envelope stage names at the end
of the list are Gates that go high when the indicated stage is reached during the
associated Envelope’s cycle. You can start the Sequencer when Envelope 2
reaches Release 2, for example, or start the S/H running upon reaching the
Sustain of Env 3. The End stage is provided to allow cascading Envelopes or to
fire modules when an Envelope reaches zero at the end of its cycle.
Obviously, certain modulation sources are more appropriate for some destinations
than others. In most cases, you won’t assign a gate source to control the frequency of
the oscillator. But you may get some interesting results by going beyond the standard