Chapter 8: Pre Filter, Post Filter and Voice Mixes
You can process external audio sources through the A6.
Examples of audio sources you can use include an electric
guitar, a high-impedance microphone, a digital sampler,
an audio CD player or cassette player, just to name a few.
You may want to process your external audio by the A6’s
Filters. And since the Filters can be modulated, you can
also shape the external source by an envelope and add a
host of other mod sources if needed.
V 1-16 Button
The V 1-16 jack on the Andromeda’s back panel is a high-impedance input that
routes a mono or single-channel external audio source to all 16 of the A6’s Voices.
This means that you can process a mono signal polyphonically through the A6’s
filters, complete with all of the modulation normally available to the Filters:
envelope shaping, LFOs and the rest of the A6’s 79 mod sources.
To activate this function, press the V 1-16 button on the EXTERNAL INPUTS module.
When you do this, a number of parameters will be automatically set to enable the
audio path. The AUDIO EXT IN input will be selected, the AUD IN switch will be
turned on, and the NOISE level will be set to 100 in PRE FILTER MIX (since this is the
path that the External Input uses). Use the NOISE/EXTERNAL knob to adjust the
level of this signal.
VOICE 15 and VOICE 16 Buttons
The VOICE 15 and VOICE 16 jacks are high-impedance inputs that route a stereo or
two single-channel external audio sources to Voice 15 and Voice 16. These inputs
differ from the V 1–16 jack in that, when activated, the Voice 15 and Voice 16
circuitry inside the A6 are reserved for external audio processing and are not
affected by the keyboard, received MIDI Notes or any other trigger sources.
To activate this function press the VOICE 15 and/or the VOICE 16 buttons on the
EXTERNAL INPUTS module. When you do this a number of parameters will be
automatically adjusted so you can immediately hear the audio path. The KBD
MODE will be set to MONO, (voice 15 or 16), and UNISON X will be turned off.
A little trick that was used in the days of modular synthesizers to achieve a gritty,
nasty sound was to connect the output of the filter module back into the mix module.
Since the mix module is normally routed to the filters to begin with, a feedback loop
was created. (MiniMoog users might remember this capability by connecting the
Mini’s headphone output to the auxiliary audio input).
The A6 pre-wires this circuit for you internally: no patch cords required. Press the
FILTER FEEDBACK button to enable this function and use the NOISE EXT knob to control
the feedback level. Please note that the level settings of the Filters – FILT1 LP, FILT1 HP,
FILT1 BP and FILT2 LP – also affect the feedback. Use these five knobs in conjunction to
obtain the feedback you want.