simply an electronic pulse. Translating our definition of trigger to MIDI, a trigger is
the equivalent of a Note On command.
By contrast, a gate not only performs a “go” instruction but also carries with it a
duration characteristic. Using the keyboard as in the above example, a gate signal is
active for the time that a key is held down; a trigger is generated only at the instant
the key is first played. Translating our definition of gate to MIDI, the duration of a
gate is the time that elapses between the Note On and the Note Off commands.
This acronym stands for Light Emitting Diode, a technical name for a simple feature.
It refers to the small panel lights on the A6’s front panel. When an LED next to a
knob or button is on, this indicates that the function is active.
The term global, used often in this manual, refers to any function that affects the A6
no matter what play mode it’s in: global functions affect all Programs and Mixes. You
can think of global functions as “master” functions. Master Tune is a perfect example
of this – it tunes the whole instrument. Other global functions, described in detail
later in the manual, include Master Volume, Pitch and Mod Wheel assignments, the
Clock’s tempo and certain MIDI functions. While not programmable in the sense of
being stored with Programs and Mixes, global settings are kept in a section of RAM
dedicated to global functions and are retained when the A6 is turned off.
Linear, Exponential and Logarithmic
These are mathematical terms that are used in A6 to describe the way certain
functions perform, most notably Envelope stages and Portamento. When a function
is said to have a “linear response”, we mean that it produces an even rate of change
that, when depicted by a graph, resembles a straight line (hence the term “linear”).
Functions that have exponential and logarithmic responses produce rates of change
that accelerate (speed up) or decelerate (slow down) rather than stay even. Instead of
a straight line which represents simple ratios, expo and log functions are a little more
complex and are graphed by curves.