Chapter 10: Using Effects
DUAL EFFECTS: PARALLELParallel configurations consist of two discrete “side-by-side” mono-in/stereo-out
effects. These configurations are identified by the presence of a “+” in their name,
and by a BLEND control between the input and the effect. In each case, the left output
of the Blend control is routed to one effect, while the right output is routed to the
other. The stereo outputs of both effects are then summed together to the outputs.
Effects that use this configuration:
Room+Hall Room+Plate
Plate+Hall Room+Delay
Room+Chorus Room+Flange
DUAL EFFECTS: MONODual Mono configurations consist of two discrete “side-by-side” mono-in/mono-out
effects. These configurations are identified by the presence of a “:” in their name, and
by separate left and right output controls, one for each effect. In each case, a PAN
control allows you to set how much of each effect you want on each side. left input is
routed to one effect, while the right input is routed to the other. Unlike the parallel
effects, in these mono effects the left signal only feeds the left output, and the right
signal only feeds the right output. Chorus:Chorus and Delay:Delay have
independent control of the two effects.
Effects that use this configuration: