Chapter 1: Getting Started
SELECTING PROGRAMSYou don't have to know what all the knobs do to enjoy the A6; it comes pre-
programmed with hundreds of sounds. You can simply listen to these sounds and
find out more about them later. When playing the A6, the instrument operates in
one of two play modes: Program mode and Mix mode. In Program mode, the
keyboard plays a single sound across the entire keyboard. Program mode has 3
banks: User, Preset 1, and Preset 2. Each bank has 128 different Programs, so you
have a total of 384 Programs to audition. In Mix mode, it may play different sounds
in different ranges (a split), a stack of sounds on top of each other, or combination of
splits and stacks. There are two banks in Mix mode (one User and one Preset) for a
total of 256 Mixes. Between the two modes, you have 640 "patches" to select from.
To select Programs and Mixes:
1. To select a Program, make sure that the A6 is in Program mode: the LED next to
the PROGRAM button should be on. If not, press the PROGRAM button.
The easiest method of selecting Programs or Mixes to use the row of direct-select
buttons just above the Ribbon Controller. Pressing a 2-digit PROGRAM GROUP button
selects the “tens group”...
and pressing a single-digit PROGRAM NUMBER button selects the specific Program:
To select a Mix, make sure that the A6 is in Mix mode: the LED next to the
MIX button should be on. If not, press the MIX button.
2. To select a specific Program, press a PROGRAM GROUP button then a PROGRAM
NUMBER button. Pressing the “50” button, for example, plus the “8” button
selects Program 58, Mix 58, or PROG 58 in a Mix Channel.
3. You can move among Banks by pressing the < BANK or BANK > button:
For example, when the Andromeda is in PROGRAM
mode, you have three Program Banks from which to
choose Programs: two factory Preset Banks and the
User Bank (where you store Programs that you create).
Use the BANK buttons to switch among these three
Banks. Mix Mode works the same: when MIX Mode is
active, use the BANK buttons to switch among the two
Mix Banks (one Preset and one User).
As you change programs, you'll notice various lights on the top panel will change.
Disregard this for now.