Program Menu

Cycle, Segment and Step

Programming Flow Diagram



Cycle Number





Cycle Name














































































Segment Number




Segment Name























































Reuse Fill Step







































































Fill Step

























































































Supply A Step








































































Supply B Step








































































Agitate Step








































































Cooldown Step








































































Drain Step



























































Spray Rinse Extract Step






































































Extract Step



























































EOS Audio Signal Step

































Reuse Fill Step is not used unless active in the Global Settings.











Supply B Step will not be shown if Supply A step is turned off.










Figure 27

Step Menu Navigation

Step Menus are a subgroup of the Modify Cycle Menu and the navigation is very similar to the navigation of the Modify Cycle Menu. When a step menu is first displayed, the step name will be highlighted. While the step name is highlighted, it can be toggled on or off by

pressing the keypad. If the Step is toggled from OFF to ON, then the last programmed parameters will be displayed. The programmable parameters (i.e., water temperature, water level, time, etc.) are based on the step being programmed. For instance, the water temperature is available in the Fill Step but not the Reuse Fill Step, so, the water temperature parameter will not be shown in the Reuse Fill Step.

NOTE: Reuse Fill Step is only available when the different Step parameters can be selected.

Press the or keypad. To view all steps of a

segment, continue pressing the keypad until the

EOS Audio Step is displayed. Pressing the

keypad again will take screen to Save Changes Menu. After selection, the cycle modify section is displayed with highlighted box on segment just viewed/changed.

Pressing the or keypad can adjust the Step Name and parameters.

To adjust time, the user must press the keypad to get to the Time Edit Mode. The Time Edit Mode

works exactly like the String Edit Mode. The

and keypads move the cursor between digits.

The and keypads change the number.


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