Machine Identification
Unbalance Error
If the control detects an unbalanced load during a cycle, the control will run the subsequent Spray Rinse Extract and Extract steps but only at a reduced speed and will continue the machine cycle. When the machine cycle is completed, the control will not display an error but will increment the Unbalance Errors audit counter. The control saves the error type, cycle, segment and step in which it happened and the date and the time on the Alarms (1 of 4) Menu. The machine cycle has already ended and the user is only given the option of unlocking/opening the door and returning to the Cycle Menu. View “Unbalance” on the Alarms (3 of 4) Menu for the total error count.
Heat Alarm Error
When the Heat Alarm time is exceeded, the control will stop the cycle, display the Cycle Stopped Error Menu and count and record the Total Water Heater Errors audit counter. The control saves the error type, cycle, segment and step in which it happened and the date and the time on the Alarms (1 of 4) Menu. The audio signal will also be turned on for the error condition. The Cycle Stopped Error Menu is displayed alternating with the Run Menu (3 seconds Error Menu/ 3 seconds Run Menu) with the Alarm on until the appropriate user input occurs. The user can continue or abort the machine cycle. View “Heat” on the Alarms (3 of 4) Menu for the total error count.
Water Level Sensor Error
If the control senses a High Water Level from the analog Water Level Sensor during an Extract cycle step, the control will abort the machine cycle, display the Cycle Aborted Error Menu, and record and count the Water Level Sensor Errors audit counter. The control saves the error type, cycle, segment and step in which it happened and the date and the time on the Alarms (1 of 4) Menu. View “Level” on the Alarms (3 of 4) Menu for the total error count. The audio signal will also be turned on for the error condition. The Cycle Aborted Error Menu is displayed with the Alarm on until the appropriate user input occurs. The machine cycle is aborted and the user is only given the option of clearing the Cycle Aborted Error Menu and returning to the Cycle Menu.
PDA Communications Error
These errors may occur during communications. When an error occurs, the display shows the Communication Error Menu. The display on the front- end control will indicate the error by displaying a table with the Error type. The Error Menu is automatically cleared from the display after three (3) seconds. When a PDA error occurs, the audit counter Total Bad PDA Communications is increased by one and the hour and date of the event. The error code is saved. This error is not saved on the Alarms (1 of 4) Menu. View “IR” on the Alarms (3 of 4) Menu for the total error count.
Water Leak Detection Error
If the control detects a water leak or related problem, the control will display a Water Leak Detection Error as described below.
•Water Leak Detection During a Machine Cycle
If the Water Leak Detection Error occurs during a machine cycle, the control will record the error and display the message “Water Leak Detected” at the end of the cycle on the Unlock Door Menu. The control saves the error type as well as the cycle, segment, step, date and time in which the error occurred. The error is added to a queue that holds the last 8 machine errors.
Water Leak
Figure 72
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