Lithium Battery |
RTC | 59 | |
LittleBoard 550 |
audio interface features | 53 | |
block diagram | 10 | |
boot devices | 66 | |
CompactFlash socket | 39 | |
connector list | 12 | |
console redirection | 59 | |
CPUs | 22 | |
Development System | 2 | |
dimensions | 16 | |
Doc & SW | 2 | |
Documentation and Support |
Software (Doc & SW) | ...................2 | |
EBX Architecture | 5 | |
Eden ESP 10000 CPU | 6 | |
Eden ESP 3000 CPU | 6 | |
Eden ESP 5000 CPU | 6 | |
Ethernet interface | 52 | |
features | 7 | |
floppy drive configurations | 67 | |
floppy drive features | 41 | |
I/O address map | 24 | |
IDE features | 35 | |
Interrupt (IRQs) list | 23 | |
LAN Boot | 72 | |
LAN boot supported feature | 85 | |
major integrated circuits | 11 | |
memory | 22 | |
memory map | 23 | |
parallel printer port | 42 | |
PC/104 bus | 30 | |
25 | ||
13 | ||
power requirements | 19 | |
product description | 6 | |
QuickStart Kit | 2 | |
serial console | 59 | |
serial port features | 43 | |
splash screen | 79 | |
USB Boot | 9, 66, 67, 72, 74 | |
Utility 1 interface | 47 | |
Utility 2 interface | 48 | |
Utility 3 interface | 51 | |
Video interfaces | 55 | |
watchdog timer | 60 | |
weight | 16 | |
see also supported features |
major chip specifications |
web sites | 2 | |
memory map | 23 | |
no bootable device available | 68 | |
Oops! jumper (BIOS recovery) |
supported feature | 59 | |
PCI Bus |
up to 33 MHz | 25 | |
table notes | 29 |
13 | |
no BIOS Setup prompt | 63 |
no bootable device available | 68 |
Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) | 85 |
85 | |
processor requirements |
heatsink requirements | 19 |
PXE BIOS Setup |
accessing PXE Boot agent | 86 |
NetWare configuration | 88 |
PXE configuration | 87 |
RPL configuration | 88 |
TCP/IP configuration | 87 |
PXE Boot agent |
accessing BIOS Setup for PXE Boot agent | ..... 86 |
multiple boot protocols | 86 |
supports BOOTL protocol | 86 |
supports DHCP protocol | 86 |
supports NCP/IPX (802.2, 802.3, |
Ethernet II) protocol | 86 |
supports NetWare | 86 |
supports Preboot Execution |
Environment (PXE) | 85, 86 |
supports RPL protocol | 86 |
supports TCP/IP protocol | 86 |
supports Wired for Management (WfM) | 86 |
third party supplier | 86 |
PXE server components | 85 |
QuickStart Kit |
contents | 2 |
LittleBoard 550 | 2 |
Real Time Clock (RTC) |
description | 59 |
external battery connection | 47 |
Lithium Battery | 59 |
reference material |
specifications | 1 |
serial communications software | 59 |
serial console |
accessing BIOS | 64 |
59 | |
console redirection | 59 |
Hot cable | 60 |
modified serial cable | 60 |
serial port settings | 64 |
serial terminal | 59 |
terminal emulation software | 59 |
two methods | 59 |
serial terminal |
59 | |
terminal emulation | 59 |
SMBus |
supported feature | 48 |
specifications |
reference material | 1 |
LittleBoard 550 | 20 |
90 | Reference Manual | LittleBoard 550 |