By keyboard hot-key sequence (System Administrator or
non-secure mode only)
The following key sequences control scanning.
Key Sequence Action
<CM>SG<Enter> Enables the scan Go command.
<CM>SH<Enter> Enables the scan Halt command.
For Alphanumeric Scanning
1. Highlight the channel that you wish to configure in the main OSD
2. Next, press the Control key twice or type Alt-M to access the Com-
mand Menu.
3. Select “Channel Maintenance” from the Command Menu.
4. Choose the option ‘‘Alpha Scan Dwell Time’’.
5. Enter a number between 0-255 seconds. Enter 0 to skip a channel
during scanning.
For Sequential Scanning
1. From the main OSD Window, press the Control key twice or type
Alt-M to access the Command menu.
2. Choose the option ‘’Sequential Scan Dwell Time’’.
3. Enter a number between 2-60 seconds. The value you enter will be
the dwell time for each active channel in the system.
(System Administrators and non-secure mode users.)
5.4 Setting the Scanning Dwell Time