Ramp Control Menu
After selecting a compensation method for a desired ramp
(e.g. 100-25fps) the WRC-2 will compute the necessary
compensation values (e.g. 180°-90° and T2.8-T4). The
„Compensation Free Style“ mode enables the user to
edit all values of a ramp independently, regardless of the
exposure compensation. With the „Exposure Meter“ on,
the ramp entry values (e.g. 100fps, 180°, T2.8) will still
be computed but they can now also be changed. The
resulting over- oder underexposure will be displayed by
the „Exp. Diff“ indicator (Exposure Difference)
Enable „Compensation Free Style“
● In the Ramp Control Menu, click on „Options“ to enter
the Ramp Options Menu.
● Activate „Comp Free Style“
● Click „Exit“ to go back to the Ramp Control Menu
● In the Ramp Control Menu, click on the desired value
(in our example we want to change the T-stop value
from T4 to T8)
Note the „Exp. Diff“ (Exposure Difference) indicator. After
changing the f-stop from T4 to T8, the indicator will show
„-2.0“. That means, with the current setting, the result
will be a two stop underexposure.
14.5 Compensation Free Style
RaMp optionS Menu
RaMp ContRol MenuRaMp ContRol Menu