10.4.3Connection to a MIDI track
In order for the Jupiter-8V to play information coming from a MIDI track, you have to choose a MIDI track and select Jupiter-8V as MIDI output of this track. See the picture below for more details on how this is accomplished.
Cubase asks you directly if you wish to create a midi track for the new inserted VSTi.
The events played on a MIDI keyboard are recorded by your host sequencer, and now you can use the MIDI editing possibilities of the sequencer to control any parameter with Jupiter-8V.
10.4.4Saving of presets
When the session/project is saved, Jupiter-8V is saved in its last mode of operation, with all modifications intact. For instance, if you were working on a “P1” preset in which you have modified parameters (without saving them as a separate voice in the plug-in itself), at the next opening of the piece, Jupiter-8V will load the “P1” preset and the modifications.
The drop-down menu in which the VST sequencer allows you to save a new preset is of course usable with Jupiter-8V. However, it is highly advised to use the Jupiter-8V internal menu: the presets saved in this way are usable in any other mode (standalone or other sequencer), they can be exported and exchanged more easily, and they will remain compatible with the future Jupiter-8V versions.
10.5.1Use in Logic Audio
Select an instrument track. On the channel of the mixer corresponding to the selected track, click on the button “I/O” to obtain the list of plug-ins, then select “Stereo > AU Instruments > Arturia Jupiter-8V2”.