While entering Setup, the BIOS automatically detects the presence of IDE devices. There is a separate
5.3.6Primary IDE Master
| Primary IDE Master | Select Menu |
| |
| PIO Mode |
| [Auto] | Item Specific Help |
| UDMA Mode |
| [Auto] |
| Set a PIO mode for the |
| Primary IDE Master | [Auto] | IDE device. Mode0 through |
| |
| Access Mode |
| [Auto] | 4 successive increase in |
| performance. |
| Capacity |
| 0 MB |
| Cylinder |
| 0 |
| Head |
| 0 |
| Precomp |
| 0 |
| Landing Zone |
| 0 |
| Sector |
| 0 |
| Transfer Mode | None |
| |
| S.M.A.R.T Status | None |
| |
| F1:Help | ↑↓ : Select Item | F5: Setup Defaults |
| |
| ESC: Exit | →←: Select Menu | Enter: Select | F10: Save and Exit |
The BIOS automatically detects the values opposite the dimmed items (Capacity, Cylinder, Head, Precomp, Landing Zone, Sector, and Transfer Mode, and S.M.A.R.T Status). These values are not
PIO Mode
Sets the PIO mode for the IDE device. The settings Mode 0 to 4 allow successive increase in performance. Configuration options: [Auto] [Mode 0] [Mode 1] [Mode 2] [Mode 3] [Mode 4]
When this item is set to [Auto], the UDMA capability allows improved transfer speeds and data integrity for supported IDE devices. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Auto]
Primary IDE Master [Auto]
Select [Auto] to automatically detect an IDE hard disk drive. If automatic detection is successful, the BIOS automatically fills in the correct values for the remaining fields on this
ASUS | 5 - 17 |