Telephone operations
NOTE: If you have voice mail service active on your cellular phone, and you do not answer the incoming CELLULAR call, the call will be answered by your cellular phone's voice mail . Contact your cellular service provider for more information about voice mail service.
Receive a CELLULAR call while on a HOME call
While on a HOME call and there is an incoming
1 or 
2will flash on the handset and telephone base display and you will hear a short beep.
To answer the incoming CELLULAR call:
•PressCELLULAR on the handset or telephone base.
-The HOME call will automatically be placed on hold and Home call on hold will appear on the display.
To end the CELLULAR call:
•Press OFF/CANCEL on the handset or CELLULAR on the telephone base.
-The HOME line will still be on hold.
To resume the HOME call on hold:
•Press HOME on the handset or telephone base.
For information about the hold feature, see page 61.