Display Character Reference
Display Character Reference
Most characters in Logio display as you would expect, but due to the specifications of the LCD screen, pay special attention to how the following characters are displayed:
•The number 0 (zero) is displayed with a diagonal line through it to differentiate it from the uppercase letter O:
•Number 5 and uppercase letter S look like this:
•Number 2 and uppercase letter Z look like this:
•Number 1, uppercase letter i, lowercase letter L, and the “” symbol look like this:
•The apostrophe displays in the usual way but the accent symbol ` (found under the tilde symbol ~ on US layout keyboards) is represented a little differently from on a computer (the first one is apostrophe and the second one is accent):
•The parentheses marks ( and ) are slightly more pointed than on a computer and should not be confused with the characters < and >:
Logio User’s Manual, page 35