Sorting (Alphabetizing) Order
Sorting (Alphabetizing) Order
Logio sorts records according to the first character(s) of line 1, first by numbers, then by special characters (symbols and punctuation marks), then by letters, in this order:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (space) ! “ # $ % & ‘ ( ) * ,
Note that a blank space can be used as a character in Logio and if you enter a blank space it is sorted after “9” and before “!” (but if you enter nothing at all, it is considered “null” or “empty” and is at the beginning of the sort order). The special characters are roughly but not exactly in ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) order. Uppercase and lowercase letters are treated the same for sorting purposes. Since records are first sorted by the first character, certain results may be different from what you expect. For example, 70 will be before 8 because 7 comes before 8, and 70 will be before 7b because numbers (in this case
0)come before letters (in this case b). For comparison, Microsoft® Excel® would sort the characters 2, 5, 5a, 7b, 8, 70 in the order 2, 5, 8, 70, 5a, 7b since all records that are only numbers come first, whereas Logio sorts them in the order 2, 5, 5a, 70, 7b, 8 since Logio sorts by the first character first before it looks at the second character.
Sorting order should not be confused with input order. The input order of the
characters after the four characters on the button closely follow the “QWERTY” keyboard layout from left to right. See “Button Reference” section for more details.
Logio User’s Manual, page 36