Confirm — Connect Prompt
You can turn on/off a prompt “Set up Connection?” for
accessing the Internet.
Connection Settings
You should not use the following menus under “Connection” to change any settings in the phone, unless otherwise instructed by your car- rier. Altering any of these settings may disable the Web access capability.
Your phone can have up to 4 sets of the server IP (Internet Protocol) addresses and Port numbers to ac- cess your service provider’s website.These may already be preset or be advised by your service provider.
To change the settings, enter your
To Change IP addresses in “Web Link A”
1. Scroll to “Web Link A” and press F .
2.Enter Link A Primary IP Address and press
3.Enter Link A Primary Port number and press
4.Enter Link A Secondary IP Address and press
5.Enter Link A Secondary Port number and press
F .
F . F
. F
To Change IP addresses in “Web Link B”
Scroll to “Web Link B” and press above steps 2 through 5 for Link B.
Notes: 1. An IP address must be
ter. If you have, for example,,
then enter | 1 | 2ABC | 3 DEF , | 0 | 4 GHI 5 JKL , | |
0 | 6MNO | 7PQRS , | 0 | 0 | 8 TUV . |
2.Your phone may display the stored IP ad- dresses or Port numbers in the above steps.
Then press F to keep them unchanged.
Username & Password
The “Username” and “Password” are normally blank. Should anything be entered here, unless instructed by your Carrier, your cellular telephone may not be able to connect to the Web service.
Current Link
This is normally set to “Web Link A”. Altering to “Web Link B” may disable the Web access.