Never violate any of the following Rules and Regula- tions of the FCC when using your Cellular Phone. Such violations are punishable by fine, imprisonment or both.
•Never use obscene, indecent, or profane lan- guage.
•Never use your Cellular Phone to send false dis- tress calls.
•Never wiretap or otherwise intercept a phone call, unless you have first obtained the consent of the parties participating in the call.
•Never make any anonymous calls to annoy, ha- rass, or molest other people.
•Never charge another account without authoriza- tion, to avoid payment for service.
•Never willfully or maliciously interfere with any other radio communications.
•Never refuse to yield the line when informed that it is needed for an Emergency Call. Also, never take over a line by stating falsely that it is needed for an emergency.
Emergencyr Callslls
Never rely solely upon your wireless phone for es- sential communications (e.g. medical emergencies), if it can be avoided, since a wireless phone requires a complex combination of radio signals, relay sta- tions and landline networks for its operation. Conse- quently, emergency calls may not always be possible under all conditions on all wireless phone systems.
Your wireless phone, however, may sometimes be the only available means of communication at the scene of an accident. When making an emergency call, always give the recipient all necessary informa- tion as accurately as possible. Never terminate an emergency call until you have received clearance to do so.