Left blanking adjustment
Push the control disk to the right or to the left to adjust the left blanking of the setup pat- tern.
ENTER continues to right blanking adjustment.
EXIT returns to bottom blank- ing adjustments.
unwanted information (to be blanked out)
Correct by pushing the control disk to the right.
Correct by pushing the control disk to the left.
useful information (to be displayed)
Right blanking adjustment
Push the control disk to the right or to the lef to adjust the right blanking of the setup pat- tern.
un wan te d i nfo rm ati on (to be bla nked o ut)
Correct by pushing the control disk to the left.
Correct by pushing the control disk to the right.
use ful in format ion (to b e displa yed)
R5975238 BARCOVISION 701 MULTIMEDIA 070497 |