
Remote ip address This is the IP address of the remote end of the SLIP link. This must be specified. Choose an address which is part of the same network or subnetwork as the unit (see comment in ‘Local ip address’ above). Enter the remote ip address in dot notation, e.g.

(or in the cli, example syntax would be: set slip li 5 ripaddr


If your user is authenticated by the unit this remote ip address will be overridden


if you have set a ‘framed ip’ address for the user with values other than or; see Configuring a user account on page


100, sub-section ‘framed ip’.


If your user is authenticated by RADIUS and the RADIUS parameter ‘Framed-


Address’ is set in the RADIUS file the unit will use the value in the RADIUS


file in preference to the ‘Remote ip address’ value configured here.

Subnet Mask

this is the subnet mask of the node on the remote end of the SLIP link. This field


is optional. This parameter should be entered in dot notation e.g.


If your user is authenticated by RADIUS and the RADIUS parameter ‘Framed-


Netmask’ is set in the RADIUS file the unit will use the value in the RADIUS


file in preference to the ‘Subnet Mask’ value configured here.


The Maximum Transmission Unit (mtu) parameter restricts the size of

transmission unit

individual SLIP packets being sent by the unit. Enter a value in bytes between


256 and 1006, e.g. 512 (in the cli, example syntax would be: set slip li 1 mtu


512). The default value is 256. For more information on this parameter see


Configuring a user account on page 100, sub-section ‘framed mtu’.


If your user is authenticated by the unit this mtu value will be overridden when


you have set a ‘framed mtu’ value for the user; see Configuring a user account on


page 100, sub-section ‘framed mtu’.


If your user is authenticated by RADIUS and the RADIUS parameter ‘Framed-


MTU’ is set in the RADIUS file the unit will use the value in the RADIUS file


in preference to the ‘mtu’ value configured here.

Suppress icmp

This option causes ICMP (Internet Control Management Protocol) packets


directed to this SLIP link to be discarded. The possible values are ‘on’ and ‘off’;


the default is off.


This determines whether interactive traffic (e.g. telnet sessions) is given priority


over batch type traffic (e.g. ftp) thus avoiding the situation where a user has to


wait for their character to be echoed while several large ftp packets are


transferred. The possible values are ‘on’ and ‘off’; the default is on.

Black Box Console Server user guide


Page 79
Image 79
Black Box 16 port, 24 port manual Interactive