| CHAPTER 12: System/Line Gen for Batch |
WAITIME = 01 | Number of seconds between completion of printing before |
| JES will initialize print of the next output data set |
| |
Rnnn.PR1 | SNA Remote Printer one |
OPERATOR | Remote terminal operator uses a $DF JES command to check |
| the forms queue and than uses a $TRPn, F=form, Q=class |
| command to set the printer for special forms |
CCTL | Carriage control chars are in the data stream xmitted |
| to printer |
CKPTLNS = 0 | Maximum number of lines in a logical page |
CKPTPGS = 0 | Number of logical pages to be printed before each |
checkpoint | is taken. Chain size is the logical page number |
CLASS = C(1)...C(n) | Output class used to group all output of a particular type |
(*) CMPCT | Specifies that printer has compaction capabilities |
COMP | Specifies that printer has compression/expansion capabilities |
COMPACT = n | Default compaction table number |
START | Printer is active |
NOFCBLD | Printer cannot recv forms control buffer (FCB) images |
| from host |
LRECL = 132 | Logical record length of data xmitted to printer form host |
SEP | 3776 has a separate console than printer |
NOSUSPND | Not used for SNA devices |
PRWIDTH = 132 | Maximum number of characters to be printed on one line |
ROUTECDE = nnn | Route code for printer |
SELECT = PRINT1 | This device is a printer with a |
UCS = cccccccc | Not used for SNA devices |