The change Application menu allows 16 operations as described below:

A thru G - are the same as for changing Interactive options, refer to section 6.11.1 for details.

H.Start of File - By entering an H the operator can select the first character that must be received from the VDU before any data is stored and then transmitted to the host. This character is also the first character sent to the VDU when data is received from the host. This is a single character command that can be a control character displayed as CTL or a printable character. The Start of File character can be disabled by setting it to a null X’00’ or space character.

I.End of File - This single character command that causes the VDU to terminate the transmission of data to the host and is received by the VDU when an end of message, is received from the host can be changed by entering an I. This command is selected and disabled the same as the Start of File character described above.

J.Send FMH-2 to VDU - Option can be toggled on or off by entering the letter J. When this option is enabled “YES” a Function Management Header-2 received from the host is sent to the VDU, for complete details refer to Section 8.1 on Batch operation.

K.Precede TRN Ctl Chars with DLE - By entering a K, this option can be toggled on or off. This causes transparent control characters (X`3F’ or less) received from the host to be made a printable ASCII character by setting its two most significant bits. This character then would be preceded with a DLE character (X`10’) before being sent to the VDU if option is set for “YES”. This option also determines if data received from the VDU will be preceded by a DLE if the character is less than a X`20’ space character.

L. Echo Input - By entering a L the operator can toggle this option on or off if he would like all characters transmitted by the VDU to the A/S-4 sent back to the VDU.

M. Card Input Data Only - Option can be toggled on (“YES”) by entering an M, which would cause all data received from the VDU to be transmitted to the host in card format by the inbound (VDU) LU. With this option on, no device indicator should be sent to the VDU. When this option is off (“NO”), data received from the VDU must be preceded by a device indicator which determines what device (console, card, printer or disk) is sending the data to the host. Refer to section 8 for more information on the device indicator. With option on, only the inbound (VDU) LU can send data to the host so both LU’s must be set for Auto Logon to become active with the application (e.g. JES2).


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Black Box A/S-4 manual Changing Batch Application Options